The movie took us back to the 1980s to be sure, but also to today because of the courageous Reagan’s international impact—“General Secretary Gorbachev, Tear down this wall!” ...
Without defending some (or a lot) of its anti-growth economic policies, the easily-forgotten truth is that California is by ...
Terence P. Jeffrey is the investigative editor of the Daily Caller News Foundation. To find out more about Terence P. Jeffrey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, ...
Washington?s extreme reaction is due to panic at the fact that it?s losing its monopoly on global media In late 1986 Yegor ...
The great George Gilder has long recognized the herculean genius of California’s entrepreneurs, along with that of the ...
The median age in the United States in 2023 was 39.1 years, according to the Census Bureau. That means that approximately ...
The British-born socialite, subject of a new bio, mixed seduction and power to become the most glamorous diplomat the United ...
With the exception of Donald Trump, no president in my lifetime had a more shallow knowledge of history and foreign policy ...
Picture this: It's the weekend and you're a 78-year-old man running for the highest elected office in the country. National ...
As we debate whether we’re in a new Cold War, a recent movie and book about President Ronald Reagan’s legacy have inspired ...
President Biden’s neglect of arms control and disarmament means that the next president will inherit a nuclear landscape that ...
One of my grandchildren rarely invites me to a movie, but last week, my 16-year-old grandson invited us to the “Reagan.” This ...